In November 2024, Peijia Medical successfully implanted the TaurusTrio™, a self-developedtranscatheter aortic valve system specifically designed for the treatment of aortic regurgitation(AR), in Hong Kong. The implantation was performed by Professor Yat-Yin Lam, the Director ofthe Department of Cardiology at the Canossa Hospital in Hong Kong, in conjunction with ananesthesiology and ultrasound multidisciplinary team at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital, markingthe first fee-based compassionate use treatment of the TaurusTrio™ in Hong Kong.
The procedure invited Professor Song Guangyuan, the Director of the Interventional HeartValve Disease Center at Beijing Anzhen Hospital, for technical exchange and guidance. Theycompleted this procedure together. The overall procedure went smoothly, with the artificialvalve being ideally and well-positioned after implantation. AR disappeared immediately afterthe procedure.
The procedure demonstrated the safety anduser-friendliness of the TaurusTrio™,significantly shortening the learning curve forphysicians, and also making the futureapplication and popularization of TAVR morerapid.